People always ask, "How do you do what you do?" Well, here are all the businesses that are working behind the scenes to make POMH Rescue successful. Every small detail counts in a big way for us, so we don't want to leave anyone/anything out. You want to know the secrets and the reason behind them, here they are in alphabetical order.
I regularly get in foster dogs with mysterious health problems, and I start to Google. You're not supposed to google, you'll freak yourself out. If you're like me and can't help researching, here's an informative website to go to in order to better understand your dog's health issues. Of course, this doesn't replace taking the dog to the vet for actual diagnosis, but it helps you be more informed when you talk to your vet. The one thing I don't agree with Dr Becker is her stance on de-sexing dogs (spay/neuter). I've taken in many dogs whose hormones have caused health problems that spaying/neutering has cooled down or fixed completely (i.e. mammary tumors, swollen prostate, pyometra, to name the worst ones) as well has behavior issues (i.e. marking, escaping, etc.) Spay/neuter will always be an unending argument in the animal world.
People ask me what kind of collars I use on my fosters, and I tell them to get the Martingale that has 1) a chain instead of cloth (the cloth ones stick open, chain relaxes very quickly) and 2) a quick release feature. I've never had a dog pull out of one (they must be properly fitted to not go over the dog's head if they panic/back up/flip around on leash.) This is what I use on all the puppy mill dogs because of the no-slip/no-choke aspect of this collar, then it relaxes when they relax. This is the entry-level collar on which we start each dog when they enter our program. Every foster dog at POMH Rescue goes to their new home wearing one so they don't slip out of the collar as they adjust to their new surroundings. I've seen dogs slip out of buckle collars and harnesses, I've never lost a dog on a Martingale. (I've had one or two people tell me they have, and I can't quite figure that one out.) You don't have to get the exact one in the link above, but posting it so you can see what they look like.
Fantastic way to learn about grooming your dog, what a specific breed should look like (i.e. Schnauzers should never have skirts, they have a tuck!), and what your dog goes through while on the groom table. If you get a puppy that is of a breed/mix that needs groomed, watch the correlating video and start desensitizing your puppy to the grooming process - it will make your dog's life and the groomer's job so much easier. The less stress your dog experiences, the better. We owe it to them as pet owners to set them up for success in every aspect of their life, including when they get bathed/trimmed. It can be the most stressful time for a dog, but it doesn't have to be if you start them out right by conditioning them to it.
If you're a Schnauzer owner (or Cocker Spaniel, Basset Hound, or any breed that struggles with ear issues), this stuff is THE BOMB (in my opinion). It has cleared up ear issues in my foster dogs that vet-issued ear cleaners couldn't touch. This is a secret of the dog show/groomer world, smells wonderful, cuts through the grime. This will change your dog's life. You're welcome.
Note: Dispense ear cleaner OUTSIDE - don't do it in the house - when they shake their ears after it will go everywhere, and you'll have purple spots on your walls/furniture.
If you've tried everything with your vet and you can't seem to get your dog's health to improve, this is THE way to go. Monica does phone consultations and can formulate a diet for your dog for a variety of health issues. Lizzie was a middle-aged Schnauzer that struggled with chronic bladder stones. Prescription kibbles weren't working whatsoever. Her adopter called Monica and formulated a homemade diet and for the rest of her life she was UTI, crystal, and bladder stone free. Incredible to see a dog predisposed to an illness be totally cured of it. (She just recently passed away at 16. Incredible.)
I was a skeptic but then tried this service. I can't live without it now. I don't have fleas in my yard, but I have so many mosquitos that I can't go outside in the morning with my dogs and yawn without sucking a bug down my throat. With Heartworm being in our area now, I want the mosquitos away from the dogs. How effective is it? Let's just say when I leave the yard to walk the dogs, I get chewed up by mosquitos walking around the neighborhood - I forget that mosquitos exist and therefore forget to spray myself with insect repellant as I cross outside of my property. This service also works on fleas/ticks. I have to mention that the results vary on the type of property you have (tiny patio-home-type yard or postage stamp yards are very hard to treat because the homes are so close together.) Paul Huff owns/operates the Southern Indiana franchise and he's excellent, as well as a huge rescue supporter. He even shows up in the sweltering heat, bless his heart! I don't have experience with the Louisville guy - I don't know if he's as good or good-hearted as Paul, but the product is excellent so try him out.
Sara Beavin can certify you in Pet First Aid & CPR. Every pet owner, dog-sitter, groomer, dog walker, shelter worker, and rescue volunteer should take her class. Fan her Facebook page and follow updates for her next class. She also teaches dog massage classes, always a fun thing to add to your pet ownership toolbox, especially when your dog gets some age on them.
Pet Wants - Floyds Knobs
Pet Wants is a wealth of information about your dog's (and cat's) diet. If your dog has a thin coat, needs to lose weight, has bouts of chronic yeasty ears or anal gland problems, and your vet has ruled everything out, give Kris a call. Her store is located by JayC at Highlander Point in Floyds Knobs, but makes deliveries across Southern Indiana (check to confirm territory).
The key to house-training rescue dogs is 1) keeping the dog on leash for direction while training, and 2) having a clean house so there's no areas to attract accidents/marking habits. I've tried out countless carpet cleaning services, name it I've done it. I stumbled across an impressive Angie's List entry for Technicare and gave them a try. Case study: Eva was a neglected dog, so I was boosting her immune system with vitamins/supplements that made her urine potent. Then she developed a UTI after her spay (which is common), and peed in one really dark urine spot on the floor. I couldn't get the stain out. I used a Pinterest suggestion with baking soda and thought I bleached the spot beyond repair. Technicare got the stain completely out. I was stunned. Every time I walk past it, I can't believe it - the stain is still gone. No "wicking" or whatever reason most carpet cleaning companies use when a stain returns. Try them out. Tell them POMH Rescue sent ya!
People always ask, "How do you do what you do?" Well, here are all the businesses that are working behind the scenes to make POMH Rescue successful. Every small detail counts in a big way for us, so we don't want to leave anyone/anything out. You want to know the secrets and the reason behind them, here they are in alphabetical order.
I regularly get in foster dogs with mysterious health problems, and I start to Google. You're not supposed to google, you'll freak yourself out. If you're like me and can't help researching, here's an informative website to go to in order to better understand your dog's health issues. Of course, this doesn't replace taking the dog to the vet for actual diagnosis, but it helps you be more informed when you talk to your vet. The one thing I don't agree with Dr Becker is her stance on de-sexing dogs (spay/neuter). I've taken in many dogs whose hormones have caused health problems that spaying/neutering has cooled down or fixed completely (i.e. mammary tumors, swollen prostate, pyometra, to name the worst ones) as well has behavior issues (i.e. marking, escaping, etc.) Spay/neuter will always be an unending argument in the animal world.
People ask me what kind of collars I use on my fosters, and I tell them to get the Martingale that has 1) a chain instead of cloth (the cloth ones stick open, chain relaxes very quickly) and 2) a quick release feature. I've never had a dog pull out of one (they must be properly fitted to not go over the dog's head if they panic/back up/flip around on leash.) This is what I use on all the puppy mill dogs because of the no-slip/no-choke aspect of this collar, then it relaxes when they relax. This is the entry-level collar on which we start each dog when they enter our program. Every foster dog at POMH Rescue goes to their new home wearing one so they don't slip out of the collar as they adjust to their new surroundings. I've seen dogs slip out of buckle collars and harnesses, I've never lost a dog on a Martingale. (I've had one or two people tell me they have, and I can't quite figure that one out.) You don't have to get the exact one in the link above, but posting it so you can see what they look like.
Fantastic way to learn about grooming your dog, what a specific breed should look like (i.e. Schnauzers should never have skirts, they have a tuck!), and what your dog goes through while on the groom table. If you get a puppy that is of a breed/mix that needs groomed, watch the correlating video and start desensitizing your puppy to the grooming process - it will make your dog's life and the groomer's job so much easier. The less stress your dog experiences, the better. We owe it to them as pet owners to set them up for success in every aspect of their life, including when they get bathed/trimmed. It can be the most stressful time for a dog, but it doesn't have to be if you start them out right by conditioning them to it.
If you're a Schnauzer owner (or Cocker Spaniel, Basset Hound, or any breed that struggles with ear issues), this stuff is THE BOMB (in my opinion). It has cleared up ear issues in my foster dogs that vet-issued ear cleaners couldn't touch. This is a secret of the dog show/groomer world, smells wonderful, cuts through the grime. This will change your dog's life. You're welcome.
Note: Dispense ear cleaner OUTSIDE - don't do it in the house - when they shake their ears after it will go everywhere, and you'll have purple spots on your walls/furniture.
If you've tried everything with your vet and you can't seem to get your dog's health to improve, this is THE way to go. Monica does phone consultations and can formulate a diet for your dog for a variety of health issues. Lizzie was a middle-aged Schnauzer that struggled with chronic bladder stones. Prescription kibbles weren't working whatsoever. Her adopter called Monica and formulated a homemade diet and for the rest of her life she was UTI, crystal, and bladder stone free. Incredible to see a dog predisposed to an illness be totally cured of it. (She just recently passed away at 16. Incredible.)
I was a skeptic but then tried this service. I can't live without it now. I don't have fleas in my yard, but I have so many mosquitos that I can't go outside in the morning with my dogs and yawn without sucking a bug down my throat. With Heartworm being in our area now, I want the mosquitos away from the dogs. How effective is it? Let's just say when I leave the yard to walk the dogs, I get chewed up by mosquitos walking around the neighborhood - I forget that mosquitos exist and therefore forget to spray myself with insect repellant as I cross outside of my property. This service also works on fleas/ticks. I have to mention that the results vary on the type of property you have (tiny patio-home-type yard or postage stamp yards are very hard to treat because the homes are so close together.) Paul Huff owns/operates the Southern Indiana franchise and he's excellent, as well as a huge rescue supporter. He even shows up in the sweltering heat, bless his heart! I don't have experience with the Louisville guy - I don't know if he's as good or good-hearted as Paul, but the product is excellent so try him out.
Sara Beavin can certify you in Pet First Aid & CPR. Every pet owner, dog-sitter, groomer, dog walker, shelter worker, and rescue volunteer should take her class. Fan her Facebook page and follow updates for her next class. She also teaches dog massage classes, always a fun thing to add to your pet ownership toolbox, especially when your dog gets some age on them.
Pet Wants - Floyds Knobs
Pet Wants is a wealth of information about your dog's (and cat's) diet. If your dog has a thin coat, needs to lose weight, has bouts of chronic yeasty ears or anal gland problems, and your vet has ruled everything out, give Kris a call. Her store is located by JayC at Highlander Point in Floyds Knobs, but makes deliveries across Southern Indiana (check to confirm territory).
The key to house-training rescue dogs is 1) keeping the dog on leash for direction while training, and 2) having a clean house so there's no areas to attract accidents/marking habits. I've tried out countless carpet cleaning services, name it I've done it. I stumbled across an impressive Angie's List entry for Technicare and gave them a try. Case study: Eva was a neglected dog, so I was boosting her immune system with vitamins/supplements that made her urine potent. Then she developed a UTI after her spay (which is common), and peed in one really dark urine spot on the floor. I couldn't get the stain out. I used a Pinterest suggestion with baking soda and thought I bleached the spot beyond repair. Technicare got the stain completely out. I was stunned. Every time I walk past it, I can't believe it - the stain is still gone. No "wicking" or whatever reason most carpet cleaning companies use when a stain returns. Try them out. Tell them POMH Rescue sent ya!